Recently, I scrolled upon a GIF that said, "Forget about being cool. I want to be so kind that it freaks people out."I thought, "SAME." Then, I thought about all the time I spent trying to be cool, imagining myself as the cool kid, pretending that I was someone else that was cool, practicing being cool in the mirror (damn, it was cringe), and in doing so, *not* being kind OR cool... It was a lot of time, to be honest, and I regret it. I massively regret it. All of that time led to years of ... VIEW POST
Your soul deserves to be on fire
A day in the life: homeschool edition
How did we get here?Let's say ten-ish years ago, you told me I would be homeschooling five human children. Well, I would have spit my Mike's Hard Lemonade straight in your face (it's summertime and we're eating tacos on the porch, by the way. I politely hand you a towel to wipe your face because I'm nice like that.). Rewind to ten-ish (okay maybe 12)...(TWELVE?!?) years ago. I had one human child, was working as an elementary school counselor, and was, quite frankly, miserable. Do you ever feel ... VIEW POST
Take me to the Trees: Finding Peace in Nature
Part 1They say beauty is in the eye of the beholder - present a piece of art to a crowd of a hundred people and you'll receive mixed reviews. We all have biases that impact how we react to the world - how we see beauty. Even so, I've found that nearly every soul I've known has (at one point) been awed by the beauty of nature. Take me to the trees, finding peace in nature - is a series dedicated to my moments captured outdoors and how they heal my soul. I hope this ongoing series will inspire you ... VIEW POST
In the Trenches of Motherhood
Leaky Ceilings & All the Feelings"Mom!" "Mommy!" "Ma!" "Moooooom!" "Maamaaaaa!" "Muuuum!" I call it the "call of the wild" and it's a familiar sound around my home. It doesn't matter where I am, what day of the week it is, or what's going on at any given moment, odds are, someone needs me. Don't misunderstand me -- the neediness of my kids is something that is innately precious to me. But for the looooooove it can wear a person down, ya-know-what-I'm-sayin'? As a mom of five (I call them ... VIEW POST
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