I'm often asked, "Jess, how do you function with five kids and a circus of animals?" The answer? Girl Scout cookies and wine (I kid, I kid...mostly...more milk than wine). Cookies aside, since beginning a life of schooling/working at home, I've found that we are all happier when we have options - lots of options. So, I'm going to share a few of my simple activity station ideas for kids that will keep them (and you) happy!Simple Activities - Stay Organized!Before jumping into ALL OF THE ... VIEW POST
Simple Activity Station Ideas for Kids
Glittery Glowing Monster Jars
Glitter. You either love it or hate it. I'm in the "love it as long as I don't have to clean it up" category. Let's be honest, if you decide to bust open the glitter, you're committing to one to two weeks of picking it out of everything. Like, every nook and cranny. You'll probably even find it in your underwear. It doesn't matter how hard you try to contain it. Once you release the sparkle, it's "game over." Whether you love or hate glitter, you're almost certain to appreciate this colorful, ... VIEW POST