Have you ever felt buried beneath your own stuff - muddling through mess day after day? Do you also have kids with stuff? Perhaps you also have pets that come with their own…stuff. Join the club. I’m all too familiar with feeling overwhelmed with stuff. It just so happens that two adults, five kids, two dogs, six cats, a tankful of fish, two birds, two guinea pigs, two geckos, and a ball python all come with a heap-load of, you guessed it, STUFF (welcome to my circus). But really, there are a ... VIEW POST
Tackle Spring Cleaning with the whole family
From Cluttered to Clean with DwelingCo
Do you ever feel like you're stuck somewhere between wanting to get your shit together and simultaneously wanting to not give a heck anymore? Maybe I'm overdramatizing a bit (do I ever do that?? ...note to self to overanalyze that one...), but I feel like I'm almost always fighting a losing battle. I could blame it on life, kids, pets, the moon, and a number of other things. Perhaps we all feel that way, in some respect - that's life. But it's possible to take a step towards a less hectic space ... VIEW POST
Messy Mom’s Guide to a mess free (almost) living space
Mess free (HA)! Who are we kidding? There will always be mess. Mess is universal, all-encompassing, and eternal -- it will outlive us all. Now, you all know that I've embraced mess, in a way. At the same time, my anxiety is often triggered when I feel buried in it (especially in our living room). So, I'm always looking for ways to manage the mess in our life without becoming obsessed with it. It can be a hellish task with five kids and a houseful of pets - but there are a few ways that I've ... VIEW POST